Course Syllabus


ENGL 2332 - World Literature I
Fall 2016 ā€“ Section # 14735 ā€“ HCC Online
3 hour lecture course/48 hours per semester/16 weeks

Instructor: Robert Lunday, Ph.D

Instructor Contact Information:

Email: Canvas internal email. Also, you can reach me through external email at

Skype: robert.lunday (Download the free software and create an account; we can talk, share computer screens, and look at documents together, so it is a good way to have private online conference.)

Office phone: 713-718-5750 (Leave a voice message, and I will contact you as soon as possible. Use this method of communication only if you are unable to access email.)

Office Location and Hours: Northwest/Katy Campus by appointment; or, online via Skype or phone.


Course Description, Prerequisites, & Goal
Core Objectives
Learning Outcomes, Objectives, & Basic Intellectual Competencies
Grading Criteria
HCCS Grading Scale
HCCS Policies & Services
Lateness Policy
Instructional Materials
Methods of Instruction

Assignment Descriptions

Reading Responses (Weekly Posts)
Bibliographic Essay
Final Essay Exam (Online)


Course Summary:

Date Details Due